Monday, March 2, 2015

March Currently

I’m linking up with Oh boy! Fourth Grade for the March Currently!

  • I am LOVING the new Kelly Clarkson song “Heartbeat Song” it really gets me going at the gym!!
  • What can I say? I love my husband! He had dinner ready and waiting for me tonight when I got home from the gym!
  • I really really NEED spring to get here NOW! I am so sick of all of this snow! I am still set on wearing my flip-flops starting on the first day of spring, like I always do! I don’t care how cold it is or how much snow is still on the ground. I hate regular shoes, I was meant to wear flip-flops at all times.
  • I am trying to be better and better about going to the gym and getting more muscle! It’s hard when it’s a 25 minute drive from work! :/ I think next year I will be signing up at the gym that is down the street even though it is more expensive!
  • Oh yes I am in NEED of a vacation…to a tropical place. I am dying to be on the beach and have some warmer weather!
  • Hubby is seriously going to lose it if my spray painting fiasco isn’t done my April vacation! I started this jigundo spray painting revamp of all the bins in my classroom so that they are all part of my purple and green theme.