This year our town adopted a new kindergarten curriculum, "Tools of the Mind." It pretty much revolves around teaching self-regulation to the children which will in turn make them better students and ready to learn. The first four weeks of school our theme is "fairy tales" we do a different fairy tale each week. On Monday, we make props for that fairy tale and Tuesday-Friday we dramatize the story. Each day one group goes to a different center and era to dramatize the story using different props. After we finish the fairy tales unit we move onto the "Magic Tree House" book series. We do books 1-12. Each book we take on the theme of its time and place for three weeks. The first week we build background knowledge about that time and place, reading non-fiction books to learn facts about that time and place and we make props each day to support the book. The second and third week we read one chapter a day of the Magic Tree House book and dramatize the story in our centers each day.
Here we are making or props for the second Magic Tree House book "Knight at Dawn."
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